说明:名爽以辅酵素Q10 、天然海藻糖以及骨胶原蛋白精华为主要成分,分别研制成柔肤、紧肤、爽肤三款功效化妆水,具有调节肌肤酸碱性的功效。而它们各自的侧重点却不同:含天然海藻糖成分的爽肤水使肌肤清爽不油腻,能迅速补充肌肤水分,并进一步清洁面部残留油脂污垢;骨胶原精华紧肤水则侧重于修复细致毛孔,有效平衡油脂分泌,持续带给肌肤舒适的清凉感;而内含辅酵素Q10成分的柔肤水相较其他两种“水&dquo;而言比较滋润,可软化角质,有效调理肤纹,使肌肤柔嫩净白。细致呵护每一寸肌肤。功效:无比温柔的眼唇卸妆液,性质温和不刺激,最适宜眼部和唇部的一起卸妆,溶解效果迅速,将难卸的红唇印及防水性睫毛膏也能一并清除,不留残妆,并有效舒缓、紧致眼周及唇部周围的幼嫩肌肤;防止彩妆色素沉淀,彻底清透并有效修复肌肤,滋润肌肤,用后肌肤感觉不紧绷,是眼唇部卸妆的最佳帮手!MINGSHUANG in which chief ingedient as Q10, natual tehalose and ossein potein essence as chief ingedients, developed into thee items effective makeup tone: Softening'Fiming'Refeshing. All have effect on adjusting the basicity of skin, but each one has its own special efficacy as below: Refeshing Tone containing the natual tehalose fomula can keep skin fesh and ungeased, quickly eplenish wate contents fo skin, futhe cleanse the facial emained dit; Ossein Essence Fiming Tone has main effect on epaiing'efining poes, balancing oil and gease secetion, and continuously keeping skin comfotable cool sensation; Softening Tone containing coenzyme Q10,which is moe nouishing compaed to othes can soften cutin, effectively condition skin lines, whiten'soften'puify skin and give exquisite lovely cae fo each inch skin.
使用方法:使用前摇匀充分混合,取适量在棉签或化妆棉上轻松拭去眼唇妆即可。。It's necessay fo the complete function of skin metabolism to be supply enough wate. Howeve, if wate taken into one's body is fa away fom the necessay content, the dehydation will lead to the unbalance of PH value, ough poes, thick cutin laye, dy ough skin, and dullness. Thus, it's necessay fo skin to make use of extenal wate esouce to be supplied.